The New Year is quickly approaching. Now is the time to think about how you are going to make it a great one.
Let’s start by briefly reflecting on 2023. What experiences contributed to your happiness and joy this year? What achievements helped you feel successful? What are your disappointments with 2023? What would you like more or less of in the coming year? Jot down what you would like to Continue doing, Stop doing, and Start doing in 2024.
Then, set goals for the 3 most important things you wish to Continue and/or Start. Rather than having a goal to Stop something, it is best for the goal to be what you are going to Start doing to overcome the behavior that you wish to Stop. It is okay to set more than 3 goals, but it is important to work on just 3 or fewer change goals at once. Humans have limited will power so if we spread it thin over more than 3 change goals we may not achieve any of them.
Make your goals clear and vivid. Clear goals are SMART goals. They state Specifically what you want to achieve. If your goal is to improve your health, are you going to do it by eating better or being more physically active. Be sure the goal is Measurable such as working out for 1 hour per day, 5 days per week? Ask yourself if these things are Achievable for you. If your schedule is tight and you haven’t been exercising at all, maybe 20 minutes per day is a better goal for the first month. R is for Relevant. Does improving your health even matter to you? If you aren’t bought into being healthier you aren’t going to make exercise a priority. And set Time boundaries on your goal? Perhaps you will start on January 1 and be consistent at this goal every day of the month.
Also, making your goals vivid increases the chances of success. What will it look like and feel like on January 31 if you exercise every day? Jot down your answers and read them every day. Reminding yourself regularly that the reason you are going to the gym daily is to look trimmer and feel more energetic will increase your motivation to stick to your plan!
What are 3 goals you have for 2024? Is at least one of them a change goal – something you are going to start doing differently to improve at least one aspect of your life? Write your 3 priority goals down and post them where you will see them every day to keep you on track. Best wishes for 2024.