Remember when you had a coach, teacher, mentor, parent, friend who believed in you 100%? Their high expectations and total belief for what you could do enabled you to perform better than you imagined, consistently and confidently. You felt good about being successful and you wanted to experience more of these good feelings. You knew you were in a right-fit place and never considered quitting the team. You took more courses with that teacher because you understood their expectations. You spent more time with that friend because you both had similar expectations of the friendship. Likewise, when managers are clear about workplace expectations and provide reinforcing feedback, employees are likely to succeed and much less likely to quit.
However, a recent Harvard Business study found that 69% of managers reported being uncomfortable communicating with their employees. When managers don't tell employees specifically what they want them to do in a way that the employees understand what is expected, there is little chance of them producing the desired results. This often leads to managers complaining about employee performance or ignoring underperformers. Employee frustration with their failure and inadequate communication with their boss causes them to resign, work with mediocre effort, or become a quiet quitter (to collect a paycheck but not even try to accomplish anything).
Effective managers make it a priority to clearly communicate expectations. They share exactly what results they are expecting from each employee, specify which procedures are to be followed, and regulary provide feedback so employees know when they are or aren't fulfilling expectations. Imagine how your employees will feel when they know what is expected. Good performers will be confident about keeping their job and poor performers will know where they need to improve. Nobody will be wondering if they are on the right track so they won't be wasting time and energy worrying about their job security. They will be likely to become strong performers who aren't thinking of quitting your organization.
Here are some best practices for communicating expectations an regulary reinforcing them so your employees are clear about workplace expectations:
As managers, it is essential that you communicate and reinforce expectations effectively and frequently. You will be making huge deposits into your employees' confidence and performance, greatly decreasing the likelihood that they will quit your company.
What can you do this month to communicate your expectations more clearly? Register for - and attend - our free 45-minute webinar “3 Tips to Reduce Employee Quitting”.