When employees solve many of the day-to-day problems they encounter at work there are several benefits:
Despite these benefits, in many organizations the managers solve more problems than do the employees. There are two primary factors that underlie this inefficient and often ineffective reality. Firstly, managers may believe their job is to be the star decision-maker and the primary source of information and ideas, so, they, consciously or unconsciously, make it uncomfortable for employees to solve problems. Or, secondly, employees may not have the knowledge or skills needed to solve problems. This Part 1 article focuses on how the manager can create a workplace environment that encourages employee decision making. Part 2 shares how managers can help employees develop the ability and confidence to solve problems.
5 Ways Leaders Can Encourage Employees to Solve Problems
1. Be Approachable
Smile. Say hi to your staff every day. Be friendly in the break room. When an employee comes to you for help, quickly set aside what you are working on and given them your full attention. If you are in the middle of an urgent task, set a slightly later time for your conversation.
2. Create a Mistake-Friendly Environment
We learn through our mistakes. When employees do something wrong, ask them what they were trying to achieve, what result they got, what they learned from this experience, and what they could do better. Make mistakes a healthy learning experience.
3. Share Insights and Information
Be generous with your information. When you learn something that adds value for their workplace responsibilities, share it. Give them tips to do their work even better.
4. Have Weekly Team Meetings and/or Employee One-on-Ones
Meet individually with each employee every week, even if it is only for 15 minutes. Ask how they are doing. Inquire about their hobbies or families. Confirm your workplace expectations. Ask how you can help them achieve their workplace goals. Meet with your team weekly so everyone receives helpful updates and to encourage collaboration among employees.
5. Let Your Employees Educate You
Your employees are doing the bulk of the day-to-day tasks. Ask them what is going well and what challenges they are having. Ask for their ideas on how to schedule their day or overcome a setback.
Creating an environment where employees feel it is safe to try solving their own problems is a key leadership responsibility.