You have likely thought about where you wish your business to head in 2022. But have you thought about HOW it is going to get there?
A wish without a plan is just a dream. Our default approach tends to be to continue doing what we have always done, which gets the same results as we have always been getting. If your wish is to achieve different results in 2022, it is necessary to be intentional about doing work differently.
You may not see how you can take a day or two to develop a 2022 plan for your business. However, spending a few hours to outline your business strategy for the year is essential if you really wish to achieve more during the 12 months ahead.
First, write down how you will measure your business success this year. What dollar amount of revenue or profit are you aiming for? Choose an amount that balances your desire for growth with what is realistically possible. You may wish to measure your success by the number of clients you retain or the number you gain. Employee morale or employee retention might be one of your success factors. If you list several potential metrics, select the 1, 2, or 3 that you will focus on for the year. Achieving desired results requires us to focus on our priorities. If we give equal attention to more than three priorities, we dilute our energy and resources so much that we will be lucky to achieve even one of these important goals.
Second, review last year’s business practices and consider what you will continue and what changes would be beneficial.
Third, review your priority goals and the actions you think you might stop or start. Decide one, two, or three of these changes that could have significant impact on achieving your priority goals and are feasible to implement in your organization. Perhaps there is one thing you will stop doing and two things you will start doing. Just as we dilute our efforts too much if we focus on more than three business results, we will have little success in changing our actions if we focus on changing our behavior in more than three areas.
Fourth, determine how you will monitor your progress towards achieving your priority goals and making critical changes. Decide how and when you will report progress to your team.
Fifth, communicate your brief business plan to all members of your team. Share your one to three priority goals and your one to three areas of change. Most people are resistant to change so it is important to change just a few things at a time. Maintain stability for you and your team members by continuing with several of your most effective business practices from recent years. Follow through with your monitoring and communication plan all year long so your team members see the benefits of doing the hard work involved with change and focusing on desired organizational goals.
Best wishes for 2022 to you and the work and people you lead!