“Peace is Power”
Jeremie Kubicek
In his book, The Peace Index, Jeremie Kubicek identifies 5 aspects of our lives that greatly impact our personal peace. He explains how we can assess our Peace Index and take steps to conquer chaos and increase satisfaction in our lives.
Let’s take a look at the 5 Ps in Kubicek’s Peace Index:
To determine your Peace Index, rate your current situation on each of the 5 Ps from 1 (very discouraged) to 5 (very satisfied). To increase your Peace Index, what is one step you can take this week to improve your P with the lowest rating?
When we make decisions and take actions to move towards a more peaceful and fulfilling life we will be happier, healthier, and more resilient. We will be experiencing more peace which gives us the power to achieve our goals and support others in achieving theirs. When you take steps to being more at peace how will both you and others around you benefit?
Take control of the chaos in your life. Do something that lights up your life so you can experience peace this holiday season.